AAPD Convention San Diego – May 26-29, 2022
To have your postcards professionally printed contact Lisa. She will send you the Canva Link with the editable file so you can personalize it with your name and return address.
The cards cost is $23.50 for 50, 2 sided, 7.1x 5.5 inches, deluxe paper, matte finish with Free Shipping!!

AADOM 2021
These flyers are to be printed front and back. Make sure on the back you add your phone number, the PDF is EDITABLE. When printing, choose “Fit to Page” for the front and back to line up properly. If this doesn’t work with your printer, go to Alphagraphics, Office Max or other print shop and they can print it for you so it aligns correctly.
The date for the 2021 AADOM Conference is September 9-11, 2021 – it will be in Orlando, Florida. Please start distributing these invitation flyers ASAP to your current dental office managers. If they don’t already know about AADOM (American Association of Dental Office Management), please refer them to the AADOM website at http://www.dentalmanagers.com and/or send them this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_nvNLmmOHY&feature=youtu.be.
If any of your office managers are interested in attending the conference, they can receive $100 off registration by saying they were referred by “Treasure Tower Rewards” and using the code “IMGOINGTOAADOM”. So please start handing out these flyers to your office managers now as you service the Treasure Towers in their offices! This is a great way to get to know your office managers better and share something that could truly make a huge difference in their lives!! They will be very grateful to you.
AADOM Postcard 4 FRONT_EDITABLE_2021 (3)